Dienstag, 9. April 2013

dein leben schläft

Wer spricht? Es ist mein Spiegelbild.


Song : Callejon - Dein Leben Schläft

Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2013

jack of hearts

Side by side, the scent of your skin.
Nothing is alike, your eyes shining bright.
The scent I sense would be nothing without you

Like an ocean without water, like a lantern without light,
A pianting without colours, it would all be black’n’white.
You’re the one, by my side, everytime I close my eyes,
Like an angel that catches you, if you forgot how to fly.
Love without feelings is like laughter without sound.
You’re the one who gives me shelter, when I feel like a lost’n’found.
You make me forget my worries and all the pretty little lies.
Forever we’re together, everytime I close my eyes.

Come with me, take my hand.
Tell me what this is, the feeling when we kiss.
All my memories would be empty without you…

Like an ocean without water, like a lantern without light,
A painting without colours, it would all be black’n’white.
You’re the one, by my side, everytime I close my eyes,
Like an angel that catches you, if you forgot how to fly.
Love without feelings is like laughter without sound.
You’re the one who gives me shelter, when I feel like a lost’n’found.
You make me forget my worries and all the pretty little lies.
Forever we’re together, everytime I close my eyes

"die vierhundert kilometer zwischen dir und mir sind nichts, denn egal wie oft ich darüber nachdenke,
 und es überschlafe, am nächsten morgen komme ich immer zu dem schluss, dass das hier wunderbar ist und das es morgen auch immer noch wunderbar sein wird."